How to encourage your little ones to sleep later in the morning

Hey there, parents! If you're dealing with the early morning wake-up call from your little one, don't worry, you're not alone. Our resident Baby Sleep expert Hannah Love is here to the rescue with some valuable insights.
If your baby is waking early to start the day it important to pinpoint if they are waking early because they are ready to get up, or waking early and are still tired and need more sleep. At this time of year early mornings are more common – simply due to the light mornings. People always ask me ‘are black out blinds important?’, at this time of the year, in the UK, absolutely yes! Even if your baby usually sleeps in a lighter room for naps, if they wake early morning they will think it’s time to get up.
Once this is covered then you need to decide why your baby is waking.
If your baby is waking and is falling straight back to sleep on you, with cuddles, a feed or with help then they need more sleep.
If your baby isn’t yet self-settling (going to sleep independently, without any help form you) then the only way to address this kind of early wake is to teach your baby to sleep independently, and then practice this when they wake up early morning. If they are needing you to go to sleep at the start of nap time and at bed time, then it is natural they will also need you to return to sleep when they naturally wake form a sleep cycle, this can be as often as every 5-10 minutes as they approach morning time.
If baby is self-settling to sleep then there are a couple of other considerations:
- Ensure you have good blackout blinds, and curtains, to stop the light getting through early morning (especially important in the summer months)
- Ensure baby isn’t cold, often the bedroom is 5-10 degrees hotter in the evening than in the early morning. Maybe go in and pop another layer, or warmer tog sleeping bag on at your bed time or in the night (especially important in the winter months)
If, however, your baby is waking and, once up, happy and ready to start the day and lasting until their first nap (in smaller babies this might only be 45 mins after waking) then this is an indication they have had the sleep they need.
In this situation, the number 1 reason for babies waking early is too early bed times! This should always be the starting point for any resolution to a baby’s early morning wakes, especially if they are refusing to go back to sleep, even with help.
So how many hours do babies need overnight? Babies under 5 months often need no more than 9 hours, between 5 months and 2 years 10-11 hours, once they drop all daytime naps some babies, but not all, need the 12 hours parents are often aiming for.
If you are putting your baby to bed at 7pm then you will have a pre 6am wake up in most babies that are still napping.
Summer is a perfect time to take advantage of the lovely long evenings and aim for a later bed time. Have some time in the garden, enjoy dinner out or visit friends and put baby to bed later. Within a few days you will see a change in their wake up time- just like when the clocks change.
To adjust this you just need to push your baby’s whole day forward, just like when you go on holiday or when the clocks change. Ensure that you push all naps forward too, so for example:
If your old routine was:
- Wake at 5
- Nap 9.30-1-0.30 and Nap 1-2.30
- Bed at 7
Your new routine would be:
- Wake at 6 (this will soon happen)
- Nap 10.30-11.30 and 2-3.30
- Bed at 8
It will seem like a struggle at first, just like jet lag, but baby will very soon adapt. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of days to change a routine by less than 3 hours. Soon you’ll see a difference in your wake up times.
For more super helpful information you can follow Hannah on Instagram @sleep_well_with_hannah or via her website